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"She should just download the internet and put it on dvd's"

For more quotes like this, check out Modemgoat's Page

News [03.04.04]
First off, I'd like to apologize for the string of negative news updates lately. My Crypto class has been getting me down lately (and still is), but I'm just gonna ignore it as best I can. So from now on, no more angry rants about Yongdae and his stupid Crypto class...

Instead, I focus on my Internet Programming class. We're starting up a section on Perl and CGI scripting. I hope to be able to utilize this knowledge to rework Snake Studios and bring it up to its third version. I want to be able to support dynamic web pages, both to make updating easier on myself and to make the whole layout smoother. Assuming that I can actually learn some of this stuff before Spring Break, you might expect to see some of these changes by the end of the month.

On a related note, I'm deeply considering switching my hosting to another company. Right now I'm going through Tripod, which seemed like a decent deal when I signed up for it. Since then however, I've come across deal after deal that is not only cheaper, but also gives me a huge increase in storage space and through put. If I actually do get around to doing this, Snake Studios may be down for a few days. It all depends on how quickly everything gets updated.

But I gotta get going. I promised myself that I'd relax at least a little bit tonight. So in the meantime, all you snakes keep it cool out there in Snakeland.


News [02.26.04]
So today my Crypto professor said to us all...

I read through the assignments you turned in yesterday and roughly.... ten of you got about half way through the last problem. Why? I do not understand, it was easy.

So basically, about a third of the class got half the points on a problem that was worth half of assignment. The verdict? The class is friggin HARD. This stuff may be easy for Yongdae (my prof), but its definitly not easy for the rest of us. Ah well, only ten more weeks to go before I'm free. Free! FREE!!!

::cough:: But anyways, I finally got a night off without homework. Woo hoo! And how might I spend it you ask? Probably catching up on my "Family Guy" and playing video games. And with that, I must bid you all farewell.

So until next week, all you reptiles keep it cool out there in Snakeland


News [02.21.04]

All images and ideas and concepts belong to Snakestudios(c) and its creator.
If used without permission, a horde of rabid ferret warriors will be sent to your house to make you pay.
In other words, just drop me a line if you wanna use any of my characters.